Brand Ambassador Klopp

Biti najbolji za nas je normalno.

Brand Ambassador Klopp

Sasvim normalno: Kvaliteta kroz timski rad

Nogomet je poput stvarnog života: ljudi često čine razliku. Pravim timskim radom dolazi se do velikih postignuća. Nitko to ne zna bolje od ambasadora našeg brenda Jürgena Kloppa. Dvostruki FIFA svjetski trener godine uvijek uspije pomoću ciljane motivacije stvoriti prave pobjedničke momčadi . Njegova neukrotiva volja i ambicija su osnova svega . Ovo partnerstvo za nas kao tvrtku predstavlja pun pogodak. Uostalom, i mi svakodnevno težimo najboljem i želimo se stalno razvijati i usavršavati. Vjerni motu: Ako daješ sve od sebe možeš biti samo bolji. Činjenica da je "Kloppo" također odrastao u blizini našeg sjedišta u Waldachtalu čini ovo partnerstvo savršenim . Dobrodošao natrag Jurgen!

20 Sekunden-Video verwenden…
20 Sekunden-Video verwenden…
20 Sekunden-Video verwenden…
Discovery, experimentation, screws
Klopp carries out a product check

Jürgen Klopp puts our systems to the test.

A simple way to achieve success: A screw test with a lightbulb moment

“Oh, so screws are also part of your range?” Jürgen Klopp said in amazement when we handed him our high-performance PowerFast II chipboard and wood construction screw together with a cordless screwdriver. Read on to find out how ‘Kloppo’ got on in the product test.

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100% ingenuity: Our fixing solutions for PV systems

If a football coach is on a roll, he'll be looking at the sunny side of life. Jürgen Klopp knows a thing or two about that. It’s just as well that fischer will also be offering fastening solutions for photovoltaic systems from 2024 onwards. That’s why Jürgen Klopp is keen to find out how the innovative solar systems work.

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The best tactic: Rely on our 360° service

Top teams know their processes inside out and practise every move meticulously. Thanks to our 360° service and system solutions, it’s a similar story on the construction site. From planning and installation to monitoring the finished construction project, everything is considered with a level of flexibility that is impressive even to Jürgen Klopp.

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Partnerstvo s fischerom nije uobičajena suradnja, to je za mene emotivno, stvar srca. Pomalo kao povratak kući.
Jürgen Klopp